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Feb 4, 2022

A tire rotation involves repositioning your car’s tires to promote even wear. When tires wear down evenly, it extends the life of the tires, and they will last longer. Rotate your car’s tires regularly at your Porsche dealer to prevent uneven wear, save money, and ensure your safety on the road.

6 Big Benefits of Getting a Tire Rotation

Your Tires Will Last Longer

If you regularly rotate your car’s tires, they will wear down evenly and last longer. If you don’t swap all four tires at the recommended intervals, your tires won’t wear down at the same rate, and you will have to replace the tires more often. If a tire wears down differently than the other tires, you will have to replace that one tire, and it’s generally more expensive to replace and install one tire at a time than purchasing a whole set. 

Rotations Reduce Wear on Front and Rear Tires

Not all your car’s tires wear down at the same rate. The difference in treadwear is due to the different functions of the front and rear tires. The front tires are used for turning, braking, and acceleration on front-wheel-drive vehicles and wear faster than the rear tires. When the tires are switched at regular intervals, it will reduce wear on the front and rear tires, and the tires will wear evenly and last longer.

Even Wear Improves Performance

When tires are repositioned at regular intervals, the tread depth across all four tires will wear down evenly and at the same rate. Even treadwear will improve braking and cornering, making your car safer on the road. Regular rotations will also increase handling and traction on wet, slippery road surfaces, making you safer behind the wheel.  

Switching Tires Limit Vibrations

Uneven tread wear causes vibrations that you will feel through your car’s steering wheel. Over time the vibrations can cause issues with your wheel alignment and balancing and even damage components. Ask your Porsche technician to reposition your car’s tires to prevent alignment and balancing issues and costly repairs.

Your Tires Will Be in Good Condition for Longer

Your Porsche technician will thoroughly inspect each tire with every rotation. The technician will check the tires for damage such as bulges and cracks that could cause blowouts. The tread depth will be measured to determine if there is enough tread left. Your tires will also be inflated to the correct pressure levels, saving you money on fuel and ensuring even wear.

Rotations Save You Money

Tires are expensive, and to make them last as long as possible, regular rotations at your dealership are crucial. When the Porsche technician swaps your tires to different positions regularly, all four tires will last longer. If you get more out of each tire, it means that you will not have to buy new tires as often, saving you money in the long run.

Check your owner’s manual for the rotation intervals for your vehicle to reap all the benefits of rotations and to save a whole lot of money. For expert rotations performed by qualified Porsche technicians, visit Porsche Monmouth today. Our certified and experienced Porsche technicians will thoroughly inspect your tires and rotate them to ensure even wear across all four tires.